The awakening of people in middle age (deep good article)

The awakening of people in middle age (deep good article)

Beautiful morning light, accompany you to read.

people don't understand until middle age:

all interpersonal relationships are only comfortable when they are evenly matched!

Love with the same values will not be discouraged by saying a word that the other party does not understand;

the friends who set up the stage with each other will not be jealous or inferior because they are better than others and inferior to others!

A close match is the most comfortable relationship. You can say anything. You don't have to be afraid that the other person doesn't understand, and you don't have to be afraid of poking people's wounds with a single word.

people don't understand until middle age:

you don't need applause in your life.

Middle-aged you and me, no one always applauds you, but someone always taunts you.

Middle-aged you and me, no one can count on you, but someone always depends on you.

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Middle-aged life does not need applause, you must be strong enough, you must not be afraid of wind and rain in order to be safe and sound on the way forward.

people don't understand until middle age:

when you do everything, others take it for granted.

whether it is love or friendship, please remember that giving is mutual. If you do everything, others will think it is right.

when you live into Superman, when you are hurt, others think that you will not hurt.

Don't be too sensible. The price of being too sensible is that no one loves you any more. Sometimes, only the crying child has candy.

people don't understand until middle age:

you may not be good, but you have to work hard.

it doesn't matter if you are not good. After all, not everyone is strong, with abilities of different sizes and levels.

but you can't refuse to work hard. The result of refusing to work hard is that you can see the end of your life at a glance, and you will live more and more negative.

only by working hard can you change yourself. when you make yourself a network, you will know more people who set up the stage with you!

people don't understand until middle age:

if you are simple, your world will be simple.

if you don't think much, those trivialities will not bother you; if you don't think much, the dregs of life will not hurt you.

you don't care. Those who treat you badly can't hurt you if they snub you.

everything comes from yourself, your own heart is open-minded, your troubles are gone; your own mind is broadened, and life is as good as you want.

people don't understand until they are middle-aged:

the one who can never give up when you fall is the one you are used to being kind to.

your lover, your loved ones and your best friends will help you, support you and support you when you are down.

to exchange cups with you, I may not lend you money; if I add icing on the cake, I may not give you timely help.

the saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" is always true!

so, be nice to the people around you, be tolerant, and be lucky to be together in this life.